Well, after a surprisingly uneventful week 10, aka "dead week," I am home again for another weekend before going back down to Eugene for finals week and then back home for spring break. I say uneventful because compared to some of my friends, I had it pretty easy -- many of my fellow journalism premajors just finished the long, painstaking, depression-inducing process that is J202 Information Gathering (aka "Info Hell" -- why does everything having to do with UO have such depressing nicknames anyway?) and one of them even wrote a lengthy Facebook note about his experience redoing a significant portion of his project the night before the project was due because his jump drive corrupted.*
*Reading about this incident makes me feel a little more worried. During my Info Hell experience, I barely backed up anything. Mostly because my computer was already filled nearly to capacity with more important things, such as an entire folder full of pictures of my ex. Who, by the way, is a jerk. I couldn't get this far without pointing that out again. Why waste an opportunity?
Sooooooo...I didn't have info hell this term -- I had already dealt with that during fall term at the same time I was soaking through multiple layers of clothing during marching band season in stereotypical Oregon weather. My dead week consisted of:
- Monday: Lamenting the facts that my friends had left for their various homes in Newberg and Boise and that I had to return to my normal, depressing life; finding out that both my J 101 and Spanish classes had been canceled AFTER going to class and (in the first case) being told by another teacher that an email had been sent out alerting us to the cancellation of class and (in the second case) going to class with everyone and sitting there for 20 minutes before we realized the teacher wasn't coming to class -- the day before our final test; cooking enough Rice-A-Roni for two meals and then boiling water for a cup-o-noodles because I didn't feel like washing a plastic storage container that night; spending forever trying to print and make copies with the ultimate goal of creating an eight-page, double-sided booklet; setting out on the downward spiral to my addiction to Pet Society on Facebook.
- Tuesday: Penultimate J 204 vis comm lecture; turned in my project; listened to the stupid loudmouth behind me comment on everything said the entire lecture; went home; went to Spanish; took the test, this time remembering all the test-taking tips I had learned from previous tests (basically: it doesn't really matter WHAT you write as long as it remotely pertains to the question, is grammatically correct and fills all available lines -- this is where writing huge and B.S.-ing come in handy); stayed in the rest of the night with some more Pet Society.
- Wednesday: Penultimate J 101 grammar lecture; copyediting exercise in class (yay!); NO SPANISH because of the oral exams, so I stayed in and hung out on -- you guessed it -- Facebook.
- Thursday: Final test in J 204, but first we reviewed the three GTFs for the class -- wait, there were three? They weren't really active in the class other than grading papers...oh except there was that one who was a bitch to me and wrote rude comments on my project. Well then, let's see what all I can do to ensure that people think twice before recommending her for anything...; went back to my apartment and hung out in the living room while I waited for Veronica, my partner for the Spanish oral exam, to call; Veronica calls several times throughout the afternoon to tell me that she still wasn't done with the questions and should we just meet tomorrow? I said yes and arranged to meet her as soon as I got out of my class; called Claire to arrange my transportation to Newberg for the next day; spent the rest of the night on Facebook.
- Friday: Final J 101 lecture before the final -- we got cookies! We also went over the stuff from the previous test to help us out on the final. She also gave us insider info on Monday's test...; after class, I met up with Veronica in the Fishbowl to go over Spanish stuff for a couple of hours; we walked over to the library and waited a little while; it's 2:10 p.m. and he just now showed up...there's one group ahead of us...Claire will most definitely be wondering where I am...I had counted on being out of the library by 2:20. Doesn't look like that will happen; managed to get through the oral exam somewhat intact despite stumbling through the "surprise question" at the beginning; also found out my score for the third exam -- 83! Man, Sebastian was feeling generous!; ran out of the library the second I was free, calling Claire on the way out; got home and dragged four bags out of my apartment and into Claire's waiting van; hit the road back to Newberg.