puppy :)

♥ mood music ♥

Thursday, March 11, 2010

there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Three weeks ago, I felt completely lost and hopeless for this term, for this year, for my college career.

Now, with week 10 done as far as classes go, and this term pretty much wrapped up save for one project, I'm in a far better, happier and relaxed situation. And the project, which I had worried about because my grade for the class really does hinge on this one assignment, now seems very feasible. It's organized, I have a plan to accomplish all of the requirements...hell, I might even get a good grade on it.

And...I'm considering a couple different options for minors.

I just feel very...motivated. :) Which I haven't felt for a while. It's nice to have that feeling back.